Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So, I don't have much to write, so I will just write a small blog today. I am freaking out about my Creative Writing midterm assignment. We have to write a super long short story, ironic I know, and I am scared of writing it. I at the most, usually only write about a page long short story. I guess I thought a short story was something else. I always just showed a scene, and that was it. With this, I have to add more. I am not good at writing long things, so I have been having my friends edit it and suggest to me as I go along. I could use all the help I can get. Thank god, again, for friends. haha. So, I am trying, and I am hopefully doing a good job. Hopefully.

Well, until next time, I say goodbye! I have to go work on my story. =)


  1. lol dont worry it may be long but you'll be fine

  2. oh please! you will be perfectly fine! You are an amazing writer! just think of it as a bunch of small scenes put together and you will be fine!

  3. KB is right: it's just a bunch of scenes put together that create an overall story. Scenes are the key to good fiction.You will be great!!!

  4. Im sure it will be GREAT! Don't worry about it.
