Thursday, December 2, 2010

Stupid Assholes

Sorry for the title, but today I am kind of pissed off. So today, just another day, I was actually feeling pretty good. Then when I was on Facebook trying to talk to my friend, some stupid asshole hacked my facebook. Whoever it was put a very crude status up, and said some crude things to some of my friends. I think that it is fucking PATHETIC that kids think its fun to make someone look and or seem like a total and complete fucking disgusting slut. So stupid! I don't have any enemies here. I don't think. None, that I am aware of. People are really disgusting though, and honestly whoever it was screwed up my day. I feel embarassed, and honestly sick to my stomach. I feel like I am going to puke. I am kinda sensitive when it comes to people messing with me. I have been made fun of a ton in the past, and I have some emotional problems with that. I can't stand it. It fucking hurts. So thank you, stupid fucking assholes who hacked my facebook. Just remember, Karma's a bitch. =)
Teach, sorry for all the cussing.


  1. Cursing is a way to vent! Don't worry about it! I am so sorry to hear that you were hacked. It's just people with nothing to do with their lives, don't worry! Everything will be fine.

  2. Ouch! All that cursing hurt my eyes!

    I know how you feel, but don't worry. Your friends know not to look down on you for some jerk's stupidity. They know you better than that.

    Post a status that says you got hacked. I'm sorry that happened to you...

  3. @KB- I know, I swear when I am angry. I swear like a sailor when I'm pissed. haha. And I know. It's okay. Like I said Karma.
    @Teach: hahaha. Sorrryyy. And yes my friends do know me better than that, but it still makes me mad.

  4. I think Loput will let you get away with the cursing. It is pretty pathetic for someone to hack your fb. I bet it was one of the snobby rich kids who think they are funny by messing with people. People are messed up. Hope they get whats coming to them.

  5. @D2B2: Yeah, she only gets mad at you when you swear. =) lol. But yeah, people are stupid. And I agree to that last part. They'll get what they should. Karma always takes care of stupid idiot fucktards. Pardon my french. haha

  6. I'm sorry that they did this to you it's really mean and I agree with you that it's pathetic. Hopefully you can find out who did it and then stay away from those people. These kids seem to think that they can do whatever they want and it's annoying. You're better then them so you should just ignore it. :)

  7. Cursing is a way to vent. To be Honest, the voice in this passage was realistic and powerful (just saying) it shoed anger.
