Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Hello, hello, hello. So today during break, I finished my Creative Writing midterm story! That was an hour ago and I am still freaking out. I am still bubbling with joy. I am sooo happy!!! I FINISHED!!! AND I LOVE IT!!! I am so excited that I keep trying to get all my friends to read it. haha. I love it so much. I am so happy. In a book called Bird by Bird, that we had to read for Creative Writing, I read a line, where she said when you finish a book/ story, you don't sigh and jump for joy. She said its not like "YES! I FINISHED!" it's like, "wow. That was a ton of work" and you kinda just wanna fall over and sleep. I disagree completely. I am literally bouncing for joy. I am so proud of it. Now, it's not ready to be turned in. I still need it to be edited more, and I need to tweak things here and there, but the plot is done. This is really the only story I've ever writen that I would love to go back to and continue writing. I am soo happy!!!


  1. Thank you so much! I am going to print you a copy. I printed out copies for everyone in the class. haha. I want you to have one too. I am really proud of it.

  2. I can't wait to read it for real this time! I am very proud of you. You are very talented, and I expect to see your name in print one day. Yay for are done!!!

  3. YAY!!! Aw thanks. It would be nice to see my name in print one day too. haha. I agree. YAY!!! I still have some tweaking to do.

  4. Congradulations! IM telling YA!!! Movie one day,....MOVIE!!!!! :)
    Please continue writing it even though it's "done" for the midterm.

  5. Thanks!!!! Lol. I will continue writing it, and you can make it a movie for me. And I will dedicate it to Mrs.Loput. hahahaha. =D

    I will continue writing it, and keep giving you updates on how it is coming along. =)
