Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Assuming the Mind of a Slightly Disturbed Individual.....=)

Okay, so for my Creative Writing midterm, I have to write that 3,000 word short story. For a while, as you all know, I was a tad bit nervous, since I've never been good at sticking to a piece of writing for longer than a few pages. Well, I am writing about a sociopathic doctor named Haydn. At first, I had a ton of trouble understanding my character. I did tons of research looking up traits of a sociopath, and still had trouble understanding him.

Well, I have been working on my story a little every day. And I realized that the more I try to figure out my character the harder it gets. So I backed off, gave my character his space and let him breathe. I let him call the shots. I noticed the other day that my mind has sort of been understanding my character. Like with acting, when you get a role, you need to assume the character. You need to think like your character, move, dress, eat, sleep like your character. Lately, I realized I have been starting to think like my character. Things I observe, I hear my little voice, but my characters voice is loud and bold. When I ask a question, or see something, I automatically think, "What would my character do?" Writing has gotten easier because I am assuming my character. No I am not turning into a sociopath, but I am starting to understand him now, thanks to my brain starting to think like him. It's amazing how you can take a character, no relation to you at all, and after a while assume that character, and become him in a way.

I am still nervous about the midterm, and I am still stressed out that I won't have it completed, but another thing is I don't want to complete it yet. For the first time ever, I want to continue this story. I want to let it grow and I want Haydn to strive in these pages. I want to give him more than 3,000 words. I think for the first time, I might try to  actually do something with this.


  1. You have grown so much as a writer, just from this story. I have your story next to me, and I am really excited to read it. I want to write a little bit of my story too, and I am glad you got passed your writer's block. Maybe Bird by Bird helped you out! :D

  2. aw thanks. =) I honestly didn't finish Bird By Bird. But when I write, I hear Stephen Kings book in my head. lol

  3. Your story is gonna turn out great. It also sounds like youve read some of bird by bird lol

  4. haha thanks. I read most of it, just not the last bit. lol

  5. You know the story is amazing right. Im telling ya, Movie One Day, ....Movie!!!!! -Josh
