Sunday, December 19, 2010

Time to Relax

               So midterms are over, and school is out for break. YESSSS!!!!! So far, all I have done is stay up late and watch movies. haha. But I don't mind. I am having fun. I have been talking to my SK (shining knight, for those of you who forgot) a lot, and things with us are going very well. I finished my creative writing midterm story, and I started adding on to it even more yesterday. I am excited that I am adding more. =) Hopefully I wll make something out of this story. I talked to Bestie this morning. It was nice, since we havn't talked for a while. Saint is now out of the picture. I havn't talked to him since he was a jerk to me. Right now I am watching a cheesy 80's movie called Some Kind Of Wonderful. My dad said I would probably enjoy it, since I love a good 80's movie. =) I am really happy lately. Things are going really well for me, and I am really thankful. I am soooo happy to have break!!! Well, I have to go get ready. We are going to the park, my dad and brother and I. I will write more, maybe tomorrow if I have any thing new to say.


  1. I'm glad you are enjoying the break, and I am even more glad that you are adding to your short story! I have almost 200 papers to grade, but at least I can do it at home. :-)

  2. Well, like I've said before, this is the first thing that I have writen that I actually want to add to. Yikes 200! That'll take you a while. And yes, at least you can do it at home.

  3. Hey, I still don't have your story. Did you get my second E-mail? Neither file would open on my computer. If you can't send it again, make sure you bring me a hard copy on Monday. Grades are due that day! :-)

    Otherwise, I have to grade it based on what I remember from the first time I read it.
