Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Just an Update

Yay! Another blog. Okay, well I guess I will just for now do an update on my life. So, I am healing from the EX. He's done enough damage, and I think that my brain has finally gotten over him. And yes I mean my brain, not my heart. I don't know if I really "loved" him. I felt like I did, but that could have just been my infatuation with him. haha. I don't know. I mean, maybe it was love, but not the lasting kind, like, I will always care about him, but I think I am finally starting to move on, thanks to a little help from my friends. I get by with a little help from my friends. haha. =) Yeah, so I feel better, that I've finally let go of him. I've held on long enough. It's time to relax, and I think I may finally be doing so. YAY!!! So, Bestie and I got into another spat, but we worked it out.. I think. She's reading this, so hopefully she can clarify for me. =) Okay, so life... Life is getting better I guess. I suppose that maybe the pendulum of my emotions is swinging back towards the happy side. Let's hope! I haven't talked to Saint in a week. Not that long, but for me, a week is forever. Honestly, I haven’t really been thinking about him lately. My mind has been on school, and friends, and writing, and my Shining Knight. I know odd nickname for a person, but his name literally means Shining Knight, so I figured it would fit.
Now there is a story behind the SK(Shining Knight). Bestie originally had a crush on SK. So, I, of course, took it into my hands to "meet" this person, to see if he was good enough for my friend. Not the easiest thing to do, when you are like 10 states away. haha. So, I added him on Facebook and we started chatting. From what Bestie told me, he seemed okay, kinda cool, and extremely interesting. I talked to him for a while, and after getting Bestie's approval, tried to figure out if he liked her. Well, I did. I found out. Turns out she wasn't his type. Well, something I didn't mean to do while talking to him, was end up liking him myself. Yes lady's and gentlemen. I ended up liking SK myself. He seemed so perfect. I told Bestie this, actually no, Bestie figured it out, quickly might I add. She didn't seem to mind at all, which stunned me, and even encouraged me to talk to him. What a nice friend!!! So I continued to talk to him, but our conversations seemed kinda odd. I liked him, yet he didn't seem to into me. Said I wasn't his type. Well, about two days ago I think it was, I was iming him on Facebook, and he asked me a very personal question. And I answered him as honestly as I could. And he totally changed. He told me, that that was the most interesting conversation we had ever had, and that he thought completely differently about me. haha. Amazing what honestly can do. So we continued to talk, and he informed me that he has Asberger's syndrome. Wonderful movie on that called Adam, really you must see it. Well, also turns out he has the traits of Antisocial personality Disorder (Sociopathy). Well, for some reason that doesn't bother me one bit. He is extremely interesting. So after our honest conversation, we were talking again on Facebook, and he asked if I wanted to be his Online Pretend Girlfriend. I know that is kinda really odd, but I said sure why not. Now every time we talk we call each other gf or bf, love, sweety, darling, that kinda stuff. It's really funny. Then we started this kinda writing thing he calls Episodes. He starts something, by giving a scene and a short description and we go back and forth writing paragraphs. One thing I didn't learn about SK until I a few days ago, was that he is a hell of a writer. I mean like crazy good. I almost started drooling when he sent me a sample of his work. He asked what I thought of it, and my response was "I'm in love." haha. HE CAN WRITE! and he never told me! So we went back and forth, and immediately I felt like my writing was shit compared to his. He read my responses to his setting starters and told me that I too had talent, and I could write. After a while of going back and forth writing parts for the same story, he was like "We should write a book together." Oh, how I would love it. haha. He isn't really a flirt, but lately he has been a little flirty, and I really like it. So all today I have been really anxious to talk to him, since we have more writing to do tonight.
So in other news, I have vocal rehearsal for the musical today. 4-6 pm. YAY!!!! So excited. I am really in a good mood. I think it's because of my friends. My mom always told me I should learn how to be happy with myself first, so I don't become dependent on friends for happiness, and I think she was right I do, but it's really hard learning how to be happy with yourself. So I guess my happiness if coming from my acceptance from my friends lately. Also, my writing class, which I have grown to love as a family, has made me feel a lot better. That class is the only class I have where I feel accepted and completely comfortable. I love those people. They are wonderful, and Blondie has become a friend too, and has helped me with a bit of stuff. It feels good to be around people who actually seem to care. I don't have many friends in this hell of a state, but the ones I have are wonderful. I just don't really like the people I am surrounded by. I don't want shallow friends. That's why I love people like Bestie (I swear she was a hippie in her past life) and SK (my antisocial pretend boyfriend). I like to be around interesting people, and if that means the weird people, then that's okay. I like to be around the kind of people that will never bore me with their shallowness. And I can be shallow. Everyone can, I just don't like to be around those kinds of people.
Well, I guess that is it for this blog entry. Enjoy, my wonderful readers.


  1. Uhhhh...wow. SK sounds really interesting, but please be careful with your heart. I hear warning bells. I think it's funny that you call him your "anti-social pretend boyfriend." You MUST READ the book called Look Me in the Eye (italics). It's about a guy with Asperger's--true story. It's a fascinating book.

    I think it's cool that you and SK write creatively together. You should feel confident and proud of yourself; you can definitely hold your own with him!

    I agree with your mom: she is right when she says you have to be happy with yourself first. Don't worry--it's a process, and it takes time, experience, and affirmation. I am happy that your pendulum is swinging to the happy side. My prayer for you is that you will see the beautiful, talented, smart young woman that the rest of us see--and that you will embrace her.

    I'm glad CRW is a haven for you. I am really going to miss all of you when the semester ends in just a couple of weeks. But I'll keep reading your blogs!

  2. aw, you almost made me cry. I am really thankful to have had this class, and I don't ever want it to go. The whole class has become a family to me. It's sad knowing that soon, it's going to be over. I will read that book, it sounds good. And I will try to be careful, but sometimes, I admit, I can be quite gullable. ha. And I really enjoy writing with him. He says it's good practice for me.

  3. Awww...happy tears, I hope! :-) We love you too. And I am really going to miss reading your in-class stories when the semester ends. :-(

  4. They are happy tears. When you leave I am still going to send you my stories!!! If you don't mind.

  5. That's really cool that you two can share work with each other or even write a book. I would like to read some of his writing. With his permission of course.

  6. Ok oops! I will ask him, im going to talk to him in like an hour, so I will ask him then. lol. I have one of his stories. It's amazing!!!!!!!

  7. And I think it's cool writing with him too, because he says my writing is starting to get a bit better, because I am constantly trying to write better, so mine looks better next to his, and he said he can see my writing progressing. lol. so it's cool. I'm learning how to use better vocab and stuff. And he helps me with grammar a bit. lol

  8. I am glad that you feel that our class is like a family. I am glad that you have finally gotten over him. It is great that you found someone else that shares a passion with you. Its another outlet for you. Glad that you are happy now!

  9. YAY! I HAD A CAMEO!! lol. I'm glad you got over that guy, he was bad news. I also think it is funny that JM wants to read his writing haha. I agree with Ms. Loput when she says that you should be careful with your heart. You never know what could happen. But I'm really happy that you met this guy and that your friend is supportive.

  10. @KB- thanks. I am really happy that I am happy as well. lol. SK has really helped me start to want to write again, and he has helped me get back on track, and for that I am thankful. I really think it's awesome that I have so many people around me (the class plus my friends) that in a way do all support eachother.

    @Blondie- I didn't forget your cameo request. haha. I am really glad that I got over him too. When I finally realized that I was over him, I felt lighter. And I agree with Mrs. Loput as well. I will be careful, or at least I will try to be careful. Then again, I have always been the one who learns the hard way. lol.

  11. I hope you continue to be Happy! Just be careful with this new guy.

  12. B-ball, thanks, and I will try to be. The only thing kinda freaky is he has a ton of traits of a person with Antisocial Personality Disorder / sociopath. So, I have no idea what I am doing but I am trying to be careful.
