Monday, November 1, 2010

Friend Sick

Well, here I am again, here to write another entry. Yay!! Woo hoo! Well, tonight I was talking to Bestie. And all of a sudden I realized that I was saying things I've held in for quite some time.

Bestie is the perfect kid. I mean Perfect, with a capital P, seriously. She never breaks rules, does everything her parents want her to, gets good grades and is the best friend on the planet. I have no idea how she does it. I honestly don't. Bestie and I have always had a wonderful relationship. We are total opposites, so I guess we balance eachother out. Well, tonight Bestie and I got into a fight. In our 6 years of friendship we have only fought I think once before. Well, tonight something in my mind said "I guess it's time to fight." So we got in a fight, me talking about how perfect everything for her is, and how I wish she would do something other than everything everyone asks of her. Guess that was too much to ask. She told me she loved me, and that no one cares as much about her as I do, but she started doing what she does... Defending her parents. I love her parents. They are really cool, but I wish Bestie would break some rules. Do something different for a change, and tonight I decided to tell her. Now I am fighting tears. I don't usually cry when my friends and I argue, thats how much Bestie means. Until next time, peace.


  1. This was an honest and poignant entry. I hope you and Bestie make up soon. (Apologies are usually conducive to reconciliations. lol) I lost my best friend in the whole world eight years ago over a pretty big fight that probably could have been handled differently, so my advice to you is to really weigh your motives before pushing someone in a certain direction.

    Why do you think you felt compelled to encourage Bestie to rebel? (...Other than the surface reason of just breaking rules to break rules.) Is it about her, or is it really about what you are feeling in regard to your own life? Are you comparing your life to hers? Don't. Enjoy and embrace your blessings, knowing that your season of perfection will come. I hope that by class time tomorrow, you guys will be fine.

    Hmmm...I wonder if I can check blogs on my iPhone. :-)

  2. Things will get better! I've never had this happen, guess it usually doesn't for dudes. I feel your pain though :)

    I like the way you story tell!!!

  3. Bestie and I made up. I guess our relationship is so strong, that whenever we do fight, which is not often, we never stay mad at eachother for long. We have been through a lot. Be have stayed best friends through a long distance relationship for 6 years. I literally havn't seen her for 4 years. I am glad our relationship is so strong. I'm not really sure why I have the longing for Bestie to break rules. I guess it's because I have watched Bestie live, and all Bestie seems to do is what her parents tell her to. And I guess I just don't see that as fun and as her own ideas and wants. I always have wanted, since we first became friends, for her to go against the grain just once. Maybe because she seems to perfect to me. Straight A's, never breaks a rule, never does anything wrong, and I always thought that that seemed so artificial. Not realistic enough. I guess I thought that she wasn't really living. We talked though and she said that I must really care, because no one wants her to act out for her own good. lol.

    And thanks Joshie. =) And that stuff does happen to guys, just guys deal with it differently. And thanks. You do?

  4. Wow that must have been hard to fight with your friend. Whenever my friends and I get into a fight it is horrible and usually over something stupid. Luckily, I haven't gotten into any fights and I'm happy and I think a good way to avoid fighting is to just let them do their thing (as long as it doesn't hurt you) and everything should be fine.

  5. Yeah. Like I said Bestie and I rarely fight, and when we do it's over stupid shit, and we always make up in at least five minutes. haha

  6. Ok, I for sure commented on this right after you put it up, but I guess that I didn't do that whole security thing right after, and assumed it posted. Anyway, when I read this, I completely could relate. Blogs are where you tell your feelings to the world. People have to understand that this is a diary for the world to read. That can't get upset with how you feel! I hope you don't get any more trouble about what you write!
