Monday, November 8, 2010

I Am Blessed With Some Wonderful Friends.

So today, on this lovely chilly morning, I am going to write about a very important person in my life. He's my number 2 best friend. There's Bestie, whom you all know from previous blogs, and I have known her for 6 years. This other best friend of mine, I will call Saint. haha. Okay, so Saint is exactly what his name says, a Saint. He's my own personal Saint. =) I met Saint when I was in 7th grade, so that's what? 2 or 3 years ago. We met in a summer online writing workshop. It was actually the second time I had taken the class, the exact same one, and believe it or not it was an accident that I took the same class twice. But I went with it, because I thought it would be good for me to take the same assignment and create a brand new story from it. So I once again, just as the first time, checked the class roster. All girls, just like last time...WAIT!!! Is that a boy? I grinned when I realized that there was indeed a BOY in my class. In case you didn't notice, I prefer talking to guys than talking to girls most of the time. So I sent him an e-mail. One of those stupid videos were you watch it and at the end something pops out at you. Yeah, dorky I know. But he responded! And we immediatly started talking. Throughout the whole course, we discussed the assignments, to Sarah Palin and Obama, and almost everything else we could think of to possible talk about. And we got along famously. It was wonderful. =D

After the course ended, I admit, I was terrified that our friendship was going to end. However, it didn't. We continued to talk, sending e-mails to eachother, almost every day. And then we decided to move the relationship to phone calls as well as e-mails. Of course, I was the one to call him. I was soooo scared. My hands were shaking, partly because I was scared he wouldn't like me, and partly because I was scared that he would be some 80 year old pedifile. Well he answered and we started talking. He was definitly not an 80 year old perv. Thank God, because I wasn't ready to end our relationship. We talked for about 2 hours, and then continued to e-mail. Every day he called at the same time and every time he called my parents yelled "It's your boyfriend!" That always embarassed me, but Saint thought it was hilarious and laughed every time my parents said it. And every time I called his house, his little sisters would answer, and start giggling when I asked to talk to him, to which they yelled at him "It's your girlfriend!" Well, for the first year we talked on the phone every single day for at least 2 hours. We got along well. Then he started to get distant, which confused me. And when I questioned him about it he informed me that he had a girlfriend, and he didn't tell me because he didn't want to hurt my feelings. Which of course hurt my feelings. haha. Well after me telling him that it's fine, it's not like we were dating. So, we continued to talk and of course after a while, his girlfriend, I'll call her Jenny, decided that she didn't like me too much and told him to not talk to me anymore. Well, much to her dismay he did continue to talk to me. After a few months of dating her, she broke up with him for another guy. He was mucho triste/ very sad. ='( Well, at this point, I had a boyfriend, but that didn't mean I wasn't there for Saint. I comforted him the best I could. And he apologized for being such a jerk to me while he had been dating Jenny. Our friendship grew stronger again, and my boyfriend actually broke up with me, because he thought I liked Saint more than him, since by this time Saint and I were affectionate. We both ment a lot to eachother, and said we loved eachother every time we talked, but we were friends, and even though both of us had declared being in love with eachother at different times, we were both content with friendship. I even became really good friends with Saint's best friend, Beast, which both Saint and I thought was awesome.

A while later, Boyfriend and I broke up, and Saint was there for me. Like always. Then Saint's father got diagnosed with cancer. After a few months, actually in the middle of October of this year, Saint's father died. When I found out, I tried desperatly to contact Saint, but he wasn't responding at all. So I sent him an e-mail saying I was so sorry for his loss, and that I don't expect him to talk about any of it, but I would always be there for him, and that he had my support like always and that I loved him.After a few weeks, a week ago today, he contacted me. And once again we are back to talking often, but he doesn't have as much time now, because he is trying to be the man of his house, and support his family.

Saint is only 17 years old, goes to college and has a job, and he is a wonderful guy. I love him to death, and I think it's really cool, that two people who have never met eachother in person, can be such good friends.

This blog was going to be about my life, and the things that I consider important. Saint is one of those people that I consider to be extremely important, and I am very proud to have him as my friend.


  1. This is really good! I like the moral/ lesson/message that the story puts out! Your an awesome storyteller.

  2. I agree with you, getting along with boys is a lot easier. I also like the spanish inserts that you put. Muy muy triste!!! This is a great blog and I really like the story.

  3. I have always gotten along better with boys. They just make more sense to me than girls. lol. And thanks. I like to but different things in, and since I am taking spanish I figured it can't hurt to use it. And thanks.

  4. boys are less dramatic! i can see why you like them more :)

  5. haha. Yes they are. When you talk to guys there's no "omg, I can't believe what she did to me, that boyfriend stealer!" with guys it's so much more laidback and simple.

  6. You'll probably grow up and get married. :-)

  7. You guys really should get married. It's nice you have someone who is there for you & it's nice that you're always there for him.

  8. Teach I actually wouldn't mind that. He's wonderful. And Canada, I agree, like now, him having a new girlfriend, it is kind of awkward because I can't flirt anymore, haha, but even when it's awkward between us we still make time for eachother like we always have. No matter how hectic our lives are, we always seem to make time for eachother.It's nice knowing I have someone I can count on, and someone who will always be there for me, and I'm sure vice versa. =)

  9. Thats pretty awesome how you both never met in person but became such good friends. Have you ever tried video chat with him?

  10. Yeah I think so too B-ball. And yeah we've video chatted before. We actually got in a conversation today about some stuff, and I guess we are taking a break from friend ship. Oh well.
