Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How to -- how to Succeed!

¡Hola mis lectores! ¡Espere que usted tuviera todo un día agradable! or Hello my readers! Hope you all had a nice day!  So today I was talking to Oops after school and he told me to blog about the whole school audition thing. So, I decided I will. =) At my school our new musical is How to Succeed in Buisness Without Really Trying. ( i think i spelled buisness wrong). Well, I decided that I wanted to try out for the musical. Well, everyone trying out was informed that we all had to do a dance audition. I am not a dancer! I mean I dance, but I can't dance... >.>   Well, I went and I was nervous, but I realized that it was fun. People were tripping over eachother, and everyone giggled when they screwed up. It was a blast. I don't know why I had been so scared in the first place. Then today after school was the Singing/ Acting audition. Well, this morning I realized I had never picked out a monologue, so I went to the library at my school and searched desperatly for a monologue. When I finally found one, I arrived late to my acting class, first period class, and asked my teacher, I'll call him Drama!, so I asked Drama! if my monologue would be acceptable, and after recieving the okay, I spent an hour memorizing it. After just one hour I had my monologue memorized. Yeah!!! I know, I'm awesome. haha. I decided for my song to do "Whatever Lola Wants" from Damn Yankees. I auditioned second. I was extremely nervous, but honestly I survived. =p It was fun, as much as I was freaking out. I think I did okay. Not terrible, but I'm sure I could have done better. I then waited for my friend Broadway to do her audition which was 2 hours later. While we were waiting for her audition time, we decided to walk around the school, seeing if any of the teachers were left. That is where we ran into Oops who then told me to blog about this. See Oops? I blogged about it and even mentioned you a few times. =)
Hasta lavista! ( did I spell that right?)


  1. Thats amazing that you can memorize somethihng like that in an hour! lol i like my name "Ooops."

  2. haha. Thanks. I am really good when it comes to memorizing stuff for acting, but if it's real life stuff like someones phone number or directions to someones house, I am terrible at memorization. haha. and I'm glad you like your name. =3

  3. I like Ooops's name also. It fits! lol Congratulations on mastering the monologue, and I am sure your dancing was wonderful!

    Cute names for all the people mentioned...

  4. haha. Of course it fits. hehe. Don't worry Oops, we all love you. =) Thanks. My dancing was okayish. haha. And thanks. I thought making up names would be really hard at first but it's not. It's really fun making up names for people.

  5. Great story and way to stay so humble when writing lol

  6. I like how Oops made a cameo lmao. I want a cameo (hint hint). I think it's great you got up there and auditioned. I hope you get it!! But if you don't, just remember that if someone is mean to you about it and they didn't even try out then they shouldn't be saying anything, because they did not have the guts to try out for themselves and at least you did. I respect you for going for it even though you were nervous. You will so get it!

  7. Thanks Blondie. And maybe some other kids will make cameo's (wink wink) haha. Thanks for the boost of confidence. I got ensamble so YAY!

  8. Loved that you added parts in spanish, it kind of made it more interesting. And of course, once again, I love the nickname for Oops. This was a very good blog. Congrats on getting ensemble! That's awesome!

  9. Thanks! I try to make my blogs more interesting by adding in odd little tid-bits. =)
