Saturday, October 30, 2010

Okay... So About This Blog

Okay, so after creating this blog I decided to tell ALL my friends about it, because honestly I am very excited about this blog. I get to speak out and someone will read it. =) However I guess I really didn't think about reactions. Already a really good friend of mine has told me that one of my blogs hurt her feelings. I said sorry of course and that wasn't the purpose of the blog. But just a note for readers, I don't judge my friends number 1. Number 2 I don't really talk bad about people. I don't try to hurt people, I just try to get my words out. My words may not always be so nice and kind, I am not going to sugar cookie my writing, just so people feel better. Get a grip on your feelings and deal with it. When I write I tell the truth. I don't think about who it will hurt, I think about what my purpose is in getting these words out. The story of my life, i spoke about hating Arkansas. I was being honest. Doesn't mean I hated the people there, or my friends there, I just didn't like living there. That's all. Just a little note. Thanks.


  1. I'm sorry your friend's feelings were hurt. I didn't find anything offensive in any of your posts, and I am looking forward to reading your blog!

  2. Thanks. =) I really enjoy writing the blog entries. It's like having a journal. It's a portal to the mind, and it's fun knowing that, thanks to this blog, people can go inside my mind and see what goes on in there. =)

  3. I can sense some hostility in this entry...But i know what you mean and I won't be mad if you tell the truth lol. Oh and I like how you wrote "sugar cookie" it made me hungry :)

  4. haha. well, thanks. I don't like to sugar cookie my writing to please other people.. I like to be truthful in my writing.

  5. The comment I made on your other post, applies here too. I hope telling the truth won't get you in too much trouble!

  6. Its good to be honest on blogs!

  7. I agree. Isn't that the whole purpose of the blogging? To be truthful.
