Friday, October 29, 2010

My Life Up To Now

I am origionally a New Englander, as I've mentioned before. I was born October 5th 1994 at 12:12 in Camebridge, MA weighing 6 lbs 8 oz. My mother is a wonderful woman who works really hard. She has been there for me almost every time I need her. My dad is great too. He understands everything I say. My mom met my dad when I was two years old. My biological father , or as I call him "the Sperm Doner" is nonexistant. I don't consider him my father in any way and honestly I don't want to ever meet him. He has been out of my life for most of it. Since before I was two. He never called, never sent me a birthday card. Nothing. And soon he became a spot of ntohing in my mind. I am happy I ended up with the father I have now, because honestly I can't imagine anyone else having the dad role in my life. It just doesn't seem possible. Now, my family moves around a lot. After I was born, my mom brought me to Florida where we lived with my grandparents for a while. When I was two after my mom and dad had been together for a while, we moved in with him at his apartment in Fort Lauderdale. We lived there with him until I was eight. When I turned eight, the decision to move was made. We packed up our stuff, had a goodbye party and made our way up north. Numerous motels and burger king's later, we reached Salem, MA. We met wonderful people there, people who made a huge difference in my life. People I am very thankful for having the chance of knowing. We lived in Salem for two years and then for personal reasons decided our time there was up and it was time to move. So we made our way to a wonderfully charming little town called Newburyport, MA. Newburyport was like the perfect town, the perfect place to raise a family. We stayed there for my 5th and 6th grades. I loved it. It was the perfect town. Really, I wish we had never left. Well, at my old school I met my best friend. I havn't seen her in 3 1/2 years and we are still as close as we were when I lived there. The Newburyport phase was also when I met my first real boyfriend. He was wonderful. haha. We knew eachother for 5th grade, and hated eachother. We made fun of eachother all the time, and played mean pranks. Then one night at a sleep over at my best friends house, when I was about to pass out, I mumbled that I liked him. MY best friend flipped out and the next day asked him out for me, without telling me first. On my birthday he said he would go out with me. We dated for a full year and then the whole Shelby thing happened, but that is a story for a different time. During 6th grade, in 2006 my little brother was born. That as well is another story for another time. After 6th grade ended we moved to Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas. I know. It was just that bad. haha. Arkansas was utterly horrid. We all became very depressed not being around civilization. So after a year and a half of that good ol' arky livin' we decided to move...back to Florida. Yippee! Well, I currently live in Florida, and this is my second year here. And I don't like it. Not at all. That is pretty much my life up till now in a nutshell. I know, I move a lot.


  1. Moving a lot must have been hard. I don't like moving and I've never moved out of south florida really. I bet it was difficult, but yay!, you survived!

  2. Well, at first I didn't like moving. I got really annoyed that I would have to try to make friends all over. But after a while I kind of got used to moving every 2 years. Like now, were in our second year in florida and im like Okay time to move. haha I kinda like moving, because you get to see new places, but also because i get to make friends. I have friends all over the country now thanks to moving a lot. =)

  3. That is very hard to go through. Moving is hard, especially going out of state. I can't really relate because I have never moved out of state. I only moved out of one neighborhood. It was definitely sad for me, because the neighborhood I used to live in, everyone was a family and really close. So I kind of understand what you feel. I am so sorry you had to go through this, but it is from moving on that we grow into bigger and better people. One thing to look forward to: when you are older and on your own, you will be able to pick where ever you would like to live.

  4. You move a lot. Do you like moving a lot? Its a new experience right? I like how you say " Numerous motels and burger king's later!"

  5. Yeah I move a lot. I used to not like moving so much, but I have kind of grown to like it. And thanks. =)
