Friday, October 29, 2010

Focus Gone Down The Toilet

So here I am, trying to do my homework. And I can't focus. This year my goal has been to get wonderful grades, and my grades are great so far, however my focus is going down the shiter. I find myself taking over an hour to actually even lift the cover of my textbooks. Everything is so distracting. I guess this blog also funtions as my "person" to talk to. Well, actually I guess that would be the role of the reader, huh? Well, I would love some advice, if anyone has any, on how to stay focused on homework. I have a shitload of homework to do, and not being able to focus on it is driving me crazy. Well, Aloha!!!


  1. Have to say I am the same way, but my procrastinator is Facebook. Honestly, I have no advice to help you :/

  2. me too. I was on facebook, talking to Bestie, and i kept looking at my book and thinking "Open it Damia. You have to do your homework.Get crackin..." Didn't work for like 3 hours. haha

  3. It happens to me too, kinda like right now. Which is bad since I have to read Gatsby..

  4. Hahahahahahha gone down the [--]. Its the time period we live in. The age of technology!

  5. Lol. It is. It really is. I kind of wish it was the victorian times and everyone had to communicate with letters... I know that really had nothing to do with my blog. haha
