Sunday, December 19, 2010

Time to Relax

               So midterms are over, and school is out for break. YESSSS!!!!! So far, all I have done is stay up late and watch movies. haha. But I don't mind. I am having fun. I have been talking to my SK (shining knight, for those of you who forgot) a lot, and things with us are going very well. I finished my creative writing midterm story, and I started adding on to it even more yesterday. I am excited that I am adding more. =) Hopefully I wll make something out of this story. I talked to Bestie this morning. It was nice, since we havn't talked for a while. Saint is now out of the picture. I havn't talked to him since he was a jerk to me. Right now I am watching a cheesy 80's movie called Some Kind Of Wonderful. My dad said I would probably enjoy it, since I love a good 80's movie. =) I am really happy lately. Things are going really well for me, and I am really thankful. I am soooo happy to have break!!! Well, I have to go get ready. We are going to the park, my dad and brother and I. I will write more, maybe tomorrow if I have any thing new to say.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Hello, hello, hello. So today during break, I finished my Creative Writing midterm story! That was an hour ago and I am still freaking out. I am still bubbling with joy. I am sooo happy!!! I FINISHED!!! AND I LOVE IT!!! I am so excited that I keep trying to get all my friends to read it. haha. I love it so much. I am so happy. In a book called Bird by Bird, that we had to read for Creative Writing, I read a line, where she said when you finish a book/ story, you don't sigh and jump for joy. She said its not like "YES! I FINISHED!" it's like, "wow. That was a ton of work" and you kinda just wanna fall over and sleep. I disagree completely. I am literally bouncing for joy. I am so proud of it. Now, it's not ready to be turned in. I still need it to be edited more, and I need to tweak things here and there, but the plot is done. This is really the only story I've ever writen that I would love to go back to and continue writing. I am soo happy!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Just a really good song, that I've been listening to for the past 2 days straight. (on repeat) =p

Assuming the Mind of a Slightly Disturbed Individual.....=)

Okay, so for my Creative Writing midterm, I have to write that 3,000 word short story. For a while, as you all know, I was a tad bit nervous, since I've never been good at sticking to a piece of writing for longer than a few pages. Well, I am writing about a sociopathic doctor named Haydn. At first, I had a ton of trouble understanding my character. I did tons of research looking up traits of a sociopath, and still had trouble understanding him.

Well, I have been working on my story a little every day. And I realized that the more I try to figure out my character the harder it gets. So I backed off, gave my character his space and let him breathe. I let him call the shots. I noticed the other day that my mind has sort of been understanding my character. Like with acting, when you get a role, you need to assume the character. You need to think like your character, move, dress, eat, sleep like your character. Lately, I realized I have been starting to think like my character. Things I observe, I hear my little voice, but my characters voice is loud and bold. When I ask a question, or see something, I automatically think, "What would my character do?" Writing has gotten easier because I am assuming my character. No I am not turning into a sociopath, but I am starting to understand him now, thanks to my brain starting to think like him. It's amazing how you can take a character, no relation to you at all, and after a while assume that character, and become him in a way.

I am still nervous about the midterm, and I am still stressed out that I won't have it completed, but another thing is I don't want to complete it yet. For the first time ever, I want to continue this story. I want to let it grow and I want Haydn to strive in these pages. I want to give him more than 3,000 words. I think for the first time, I might try to  actually do something with this.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Stupid Assholes

Sorry for the title, but today I am kind of pissed off. So today, just another day, I was actually feeling pretty good. Then when I was on Facebook trying to talk to my friend, some stupid asshole hacked my facebook. Whoever it was put a very crude status up, and said some crude things to some of my friends. I think that it is fucking PATHETIC that kids think its fun to make someone look and or seem like a total and complete fucking disgusting slut. So stupid! I don't have any enemies here. I don't think. None, that I am aware of. People are really disgusting though, and honestly whoever it was screwed up my day. I feel embarassed, and honestly sick to my stomach. I feel like I am going to puke. I am kinda sensitive when it comes to people messing with me. I have been made fun of a ton in the past, and I have some emotional problems with that. I can't stand it. It fucking hurts. So thank you, stupid fucking assholes who hacked my facebook. Just remember, Karma's a bitch. =)
Teach, sorry for all the cussing.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So, I don't have much to write, so I will just write a small blog today. I am freaking out about my Creative Writing midterm assignment. We have to write a super long short story, ironic I know, and I am scared of writing it. I at the most, usually only write about a page long short story. I guess I thought a short story was something else. I always just showed a scene, and that was it. With this, I have to add more. I am not good at writing long things, so I have been having my friends edit it and suggest to me as I go along. I could use all the help I can get. Thank god, again, for friends. haha. So, I am trying, and I am hopefully doing a good job. Hopefully.

Well, until next time, I say goodbye! I have to go work on my story. =)