Thursday, February 9, 2012

Stand Here Until I Fill All Your Hearts Desire

Hey there. So I know that I havn't blogged in a while. So sorry about that. I've been pretty busy lately living life. How complicated everything is. So life is goodish I guess. It has been raining a bit down here which makes me really happy because I love rain. The sky has been a constant beautifully gloomy shade of gray. I love it. Things with Bad-Ass are wonderful as always. He really is a wonderful guy, and I am so thankful to have met him. He makes me extremely happy and I am very pleased to be able to put a smile on his face every single day as well. It's nice to be loved and to love someone in return. All you need is love!

Speaking of love, a lost love has come back into my life. I don't think I've mentioned him on here before. I will call him Jack Skellington, due to his love of The Nightmare Before Christmas (best movie ever. I love Tim Burton.) So Jack Skellington was my boyfriend in 6th grade. Yes quite a while ago. He and I were together for a year, which was like an eternity in that grade. Well, he and I broke up after a year because of the whole Bitchcuntwhore incident...And then I moved away. To lovely Arkansas. Yes it was a huge mistake. Anyway, he and I didn't talk for a year, and then we suddenly merged back into eachothers lives, then after a few months we got into a huge fight and didn't talk to eachother for another year... You see this would be the beginning of our pattern. This is what we have been doing for the past 6 years. We talk a little, fight, then vanish. Well, he is back again and things are already a little iffy. I'm getting very annoyed with him already, but then again it's not his fault he is so busy. A job does that to you. Well, he's back and I am enjoying talking to him, because I really did miss him, and he is one of my best friends, and he knows more about me than anyone else on the planet does. He knows what I'm thinking before I do. And in a time when I am losing friends, keeping one wouldn't be that bad of an idea. Yeah I said losing them. Bestie and I are on a rocky ledge. A few days ago I gave her a peace offering, but she hasn't said anything about it or gotten back to me on it so I don't know what is going  on with her, but I have a feeling I'm losing my best friend.

In other news, I guess life is okay. Things are okayish. Well, things suck, but I can take it. I'm tough. SK has a new girlfriend, which when I found out it actually kinda tore me apart. It's a really long story about why it hurt so much, but I'm not going to write about that right now, because I am in school, and if I write about that I will cry. So I am going to pass.

I guess I am okay. I'm not horrifically crumbled but I am doing okay. Life is so difficult though. I feel so worthless some times. And then to top it off last night I had a horrible dream. Bestie, Gamer, Bad-Ass, Jack Skellington, and some other people from school that I've never talked to before were in it. It started out good with me hanging out with Bad-Ass, but then it got bad when his father as well as mine started making fun of us. Like, mean making fun. Then the dream changed and I was with Bestie and a bunch of her new friends. Gamer was there too and so was his awesome mom. That's also the part that Jack Skelllington was in. So we were all sort of hanging out and Bestie wasn't really talking to me. Then her friend pointed out that I looked a bit sad, so Bestie asked if I wanted to go to the carnival with them. I said sure but when we got to the car I  could see I wasn't going to fit with all of them. So I turned around and started walking away. They left me. Gamers mom was there and asked were everyone had gone. I told her they left me to go to a carnival and she appologized then asked were Gamer was. I told her he went too. She got upset at that saying that he should have stayed and hung out with me like a gentleman (which he most likely would have done in real life.) I then decided to walk home. I think my dreams are trying to point out the obvious. I am terrified that I am losing all of my best friends. I hope that doesn't happen. I barely have any friends as it is. I can't handle losing the ones I do have.

Until next time.

P.S. listen to this song

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