Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Except for You and Me Love, Everyone Is The Same

Aloha!!!!! So today is Spaghetti dinner at my school which is this dinner thing run by the junior class, which is me. Yay!

So, in other breaking news.... Well, not much has changed. I am listening to the best song ever. You should listen to it: . So listen to it. It is by the band Rise Against. Great band. It's because of Gamer that I know who this group is for it is his favorite band, and I understand why. I've been listening to nothing but Rise Against for the past 4 days straight... Yeah, I'm having a mini Rise Against obsession. It's good music. But out of all the songs I've heard from Rise Against, this is my favorite song so far... Awesome.

So, Valentines day was yesterday. It was bad. Bad-Ass and I got into a mini argument and it sucked. But then I got home and my whole day brightened because my gifts from Bad-Ass had showed up and I got to open them on Valentines day which was awesome. So it definately ended well. It was a good day in the end. It was very nice. So I have to go, because school starts in 10 minutes and I have to be in class in 5.

Oh yeah! And to show what a dork I am. Tomorrow my mom and I are going to see Brett Michaels at the Hard Rock. Yes I know cheesy. For those of you who don't know who that is, look him up/ look up the band Poison. Hahaha. Cheesy big haired 80's rock. I can't wait!!!! :p 


  1. fighting-making up scenario has become a tradition on VDay;-)))... I hope you didn't have that much of the fight part though;-))))

  2. hahaha. Yeah, I spose. :) We didn't have the horrible of a fight, so things worked out well. ^__^
