Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I'm Not Gonna Write You A Love Song

Hello there! So, valentines day... *sigh*

Okay, to get right into it I guess I will say, I don't like Valentines day. I really don't. Which may seem odd to some of you that know me because you know what a romantic I am. However, I really don't like Valentines day, and I never really have. Ever since I can remember valentines day was a day dedicated to "love" (not really) a day made for all the people in the world to show their love to others. And that's really nice. It is. The reason why I hate it is very simple. Ever since I was little it was always me watching everyone else be all lovey. Watching all the other girls in class get valentines because boys liked them, where I only got valentines because it was manditory to give everyone one, so that they didn't feel left out. Well shocker, I felt left out. Even today, 6 years later, I still feel left out. Yes I have a boyfriend. Bad-Ass is the best, and I love him tons but he's not here. So while at school, I get to listen to everyone talk about their valentines day plans with their bf's/gf's and I get to watch the school couples be all lovey dovey. And I, once again, get to feel left out. It's not Bad-Ass's fault. He lives super far away. I'm not mad at him or anything I'm really not. Location sucks. Oh well. I just hate the fact that all the single people and all the LDR people have to sit here and watch everyone bask in the love, while we get to sit here wishing (for the LDR people) that our loved one was with us so we could do something special. I want to do something special for Bad-Ass. I really do. Make him dinner and watch a movie or something, I don't know. Kinda hard to do thought when you are so far away.

Bad-Ass, I love you tons. Happy Valentines day.

For everyone else, happy valentines day. Hope your day doesn't suck as much as mine will.
Until next time.

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