Thursday, November 3, 2011

I Wish You Were Here

Hey there. So, I am going to write a little something. I am not the happiest right now, so sorry if this brings your mood down.

So, lately life... Well, it has been okay I guess. Fiddler is going to leave soon, and should be gone by January, so thank god for that. Finally my little brother will have his bedroom back, and we will all have some more peace and quiet in the house.  Maybe my parents will even get along better. Now don't get me wrong, my parents aren't fighting anymore, but the tension isn't gone. You can feel it in the air. There is tention between all of us. We are just fulllll of that damn tension. But hey, I can't change that. Believe me I have tried.

So, this morning wasn't the best. My mother and I didn't, I guess you can say, get along the best this morning. We were in the car, and once again she was pissed off at me because my fucking alarm clock went off. It's not my fault it didn't go off. She should complain to the fucking company that made it not me. But hey, that's not what I'm here to talk about. So, she was pissed at me, which brought her to start complaining about me and half yelling at me. So what did I do? I started getting bitchy right back. You act like a bitch to me, I'll act like a bitch to you. So, we both got "snappy" at eachother... So, every morning, my mom and I have a certain list of songs we listen to on the way to school. Well since I'm the one that pics out the songs, I was upset so I put on Riot by Three Days Grace, which if you listen to the words, seemed like I was picking a fight with her. Well I wasn't. But it was a shitty morning.

And thanks to this morning, the rest of my day is sucking greatly. I have felt like shit all day, and I don't know why. I'm extremely tired, and I just want to sleep and cry and scream all at the same time. What I really need is one of those hugs thats so good, you just start to cry and blubber all over that persons shoulder. haha. That is what I really need.

As for the last thing I will address. To Bad-Ass, my lovely boy, I am very thankful to have you, I just wish you lived closer to me, like oh I don't know, in the same state at least. I can't wait until spring, when you come visit me. It will be one of the best days ever. And you owe me a hug and a kiss. I lurv yew very  much, and can't wait till you hold me in your arms.

As for everyone else, Hope your day is a hell of a lot better than mine.

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