Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Freight Train That Is Life

Hey there. So the first thing I am going to say is that I am a horrible girlfriend. I havn't done anything, but I have a feeling, that feelings are going to be hurt.

So, I have the best boyfriend in the world, Bad-Ass. He is everything I want and he is amazing, and perfect, and loves me so much. It's great. I am so happy to be his girlfriend. You can tell how much I love him from the way I've talked about him in the past... Bad-Ass, I love you. Please don't get all worried when you read this.

So, I have a new friend at school. I will call him Screamo, because he likes that shitty music.  (No offense) Anyway, Screamo is awesome. He's my second friend I've made at a school I've been attending for 3 years.... I have a hard time making friends. Anyway, He's my friend, and I can't tell you how awesome and wonderful it is to have a friend at my god aweful school. He's great. Smart, funny, random, annoying in a good way, weird in a good way, and wants to practice the same religion I do, which is awesome. Well, he flirts, without really knowing it, but he does. He likes me, and has made that obvious. He likes me more than his own girlfriend. Yeah, forgot to mention he has a gf. Well, recently I have realized how awesome he is... And recently, I have realized that I kinda have a crush on him. Now, don't get me wrong I love my bf more than I could ever possibly say, and I am happy with him. I think it might be mainly because my bf is far away, and Screamo is right here. I don't know. All I know is that I am confused as hell.I really am. And I could use all the help I could get. I love my bf, and I want to stay with my bf, I do, but Screamo is pretty fucking awesome too. And I have passed up guys that are awesome before, to end up regretting it my entire life. And now I am left with a decision. I don't know what to do. Screamo was saying that he would break up with his gf if he could go out with me. He thinks I'm awesome, and we have this connection. I have a hard time opening up to people, and the first time we had a conversation, I opened completely up, and talking to him seemed familiar. I felt like I had known him my whole life, to which my dad said maybe I knew him in a past life. Maybe, because talking to him, he seems so fucking familiar. I feel like I've known him my entire life. I feel like we are old friends. It's weird. I don't know what to do. But there is a freight train heading in my direction, and no matter what, someone is going to get hurt, most likely me.Help me, I beg you.

Bad-Ass, I love you so much. I hope this doesn't hurt your feelings. Hurting you would tear me to pieces. I love you.

Screamo, stay awesome and thank you for being my friend. I really appriciate you, even though you have complicated my life even more.

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