Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Since I Am Dead, I Can Take Off My Head, and Recite Shakespearian Quotations...

So, school is almost over! Only 25 more days and then I am out for the summer. Yipeeeee!!!!!!!!!! Today is my Holocaust studies teacher's birthday, so last night I made 48 red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. I am going to give him 24 cupcakes, and then I brought a dozen cupcakes for my english class to eat, because I am a nice person, and as much as I LOVE cupcakes, I really don't need them. :p
So Jack Skellington's birthday is coming up soon. Now of course, I expect you all to know, from my last blog, that when I say Jack Skellinton, I don't meen the movie character, I am using the name for someone in my life. Just clarifying. His birthday is in July. I really want to go to his birthday, for I havn't seen him in 6 years, and he is extremely important to me, but I don't know if it would work out. How to get there and back, considering I don't yet drive. Could pose a problem. I don't know. Hopefully something will work out. And if I can't make it, I am supposed to meet up with him mom and little sister for coffee sometime this summer, when I am up north, so I can just give his gifts to them. I have two portraits that I've drawn of him, and a HUGE tim burton collage that I am making him. It's fun. I love collaging. Well, I am going to go. Class is going to start soon, and I need to go guard the cupcakes and make sure no one eats them.:p


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