Thursday, April 26, 2012

Things Are Going To Get Better. I Can Feel It.

Something has changed in me. It's as if I've woken up from a three year long fog. This calm was come over me, and I feel good. I don't know what happened. I just know that it's good. I'm seeing everything differently. I look around my class and seeing everyone, i no longer feel disgusted, but happy. I like the people in my class. And when I graduate, I will miss them a bit. Everything just seems better. I'm excited. All this crap from before, Gamer, Bestie, none of it matters anymore. So what? I'm over Gamer. I'm over caring about this Bestie thing. I'm fine with it. I'm moving on and it feels great. The year is almost over. In October, I will turn 18 and I'll be starting my senior year. I feel excited. I'm looking at the world from a new perspective. I'm changing. I'm so excited about everything. Life is good and it's going to get better. I can feel it! I'm really happy. But not like a mania. A calm, relaxed happiness. Everything is okay. I'm over all of it. This stuff I've been upset about and stressing about means nothing. I have so  much happiness that I want to burst. Being stuck in schools seems like a waste because there is so much I can be doing right now. I'm happy. I'm changing things. I have a new friend. She is SK's(Shiny Knight) gf. I'll call her Vivacious. She is really awesome. At first I thought I would hate her, because she's my ex's new gf, but I really like her. She is easy going, and has a similarish personality to me. It's nice having someone to talk to. A nice fresh start. I'm very thankful. I have to go. Class just started. Hasta luego!!!!! :D

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