Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bringing Out My Inner Stephen King...

Well, I'm back. Havn't blogged in a while. So, lately I have been really busy with school as well as with SAT and all that stuff. Despite how busy I have been, I'm still not stressed out at all, which makes me feel wonderful. I love not feeling stressed. And I'm still feeling really happy lately. I must say, this happy outlook is really making life much more fun. So also, due to my busy schedule, I havn't been doing any creative writing lately. Makes me sad.  I miss writing. Thankfully though, I applied to Brown to take two classes over the summer. I signed up for a WWII history class and a creative writing class. I can't wait. I miss writing so much. I love being a part of writing classes, because I always come up with better work when I have a deadline. The word deadline, when it comes to writing, unleashes all my creative juices, and I love it. So, I am looking for writing prompts. I need to start writing. I can feel it in me. I need to write. I just need some ideas of what to write about. Maybe I'll sign up for an online writing course soon. Not sure, but I really need to write. As Stephen King said, a true writer will write something every day, even if they have nothing to write. So write I must!

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