Friday, March 2, 2012

I Miss Him Already

So, life is okayish I guess. Not the best. Yesterday absolutely sucked. School was okayish yesterday, but it wasn't the best. I couldnt talk to Bad-Ass much. Then his dad told him he is no longer allowed to bring his phone to school. Which sucks. Then I lost my ring that Bad-Ass gave me, and still cannot find it. And then to top it all off, our cell phones have been shut off because we don't have the money to pay it. FML.

It sucked to say the least, and now today I am still pretty sad. I can't talk to my boyfriend anyway but with emails now, which sucks a lot. But he and I have been through that before, so it should be fine. Until then I just have to try as hard as I can to not miss him too much, which is proving to be difficult. Saw Psych wed. It was okayish. We talked about a lot of different stuff. It was sad bringing it all up and I got a little emotional, but didn't lose it. We talked about considering medication, again; I'm still a little unsure about the whole medication thing.

Well, I guess that is really all for now. My grandparents are taking me to see the orchestra tonight, so I'm excited.

Bad-Ass, I love you tons and I miss you already so much. This sucks and I can't wait till my phone is back on so I can call you. I love you!!!


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