Monday, July 11, 2011

Medford and Beantown

               Hello there! Well, right now I am on vacation at my grandfathers house in Rhode Island. It is absolutely wonderful here, and one of the things we planned on doing was visiting some colleges. Today we went to Tufts University and Boston University. :)
                Tufts was our first stop, and before visiting, I have to say, I honestly didn't really know anything about it. All I knew was that their mascot is an elephant. Haha. Tufts is located in Medford, MA, and is actually really nice. The campus is a bit traditional in that way that all the buildings are surrounding the quad, which was an aspect I really liked. When we first started the tour, we had the Assistant Director of Admissions, I'll call him Ball of Energy (or BOE for short), talk to us. He was about 26-ish, and I have to say, I will probably talk about him most of the time I write about my experience at Tufts, because he really made a difference. He began by making a few jokes and at first I was a bit hesitant, thinking "Oh great, this should be interesting." Well, interesting it was. BOE was extremely energetic, and very hyper. He spoke quickly and went off topic a little bit. But none of it was a bad thing. He was so energetic and bouncy that you couldn't help but pay attention to him. He got very serious at some points and talked in a way that seemed like he was teaching a class. All I could think about was, "Man, I could listen to this guy talk ALL day." He was so interesting, and fascinating to watch and listen to, and he really had a way of connecting. I can't even fully describe how amazing and experience it was. He was truly captivating. After he spoke to us, which lasted an hour (wish it had been longer), we went on a tour. By the way I don't think I mentioned it, but I am staying with my grandfather in RI, who I will call Duck. Also, Duck was going on the tours with me. Anyway, after the talk, as I was saying, we went on a tour of the campus. It was very nice, and very comfortable. Also, it was very quiet which I liked. One of the things I really liked about Tufts, was the library. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a book worm. Well the library at Tufts was split up into parts. There was a section called the Reading Room, which was where you would go to study if you wanted complete silence. That part of the library is open till 3 am. Then there was the Conversation Room, which was where you would go if you were studying with a group or wanted to talk to a friend while you were working. Then there was the library cafe, if you wanted a loud study environment. The cafe, of course had coffee and pastries. Also, something really awesome about the library that was cool, is they have a librarian for every subject. For example, if you were studying Sociology, you would find the sociology librarian and her job would be to know the best resources for sociology. I thought that was really awesome. We didn't stay for the whole tour, because we wanted to grab some lunch before heading to BU.

                        When we got to the BU campus we parked the car and I actually saw someone who had graduated from my school in 2010. It was really funny. Then we went to a restaurant for lunch called Eastern Standard. It was good. After we went over to BU and had a woman talk to us about the school. I won't really talk about that because after BOE, she was really boring. :(  So after she spoke, and drove me crazy using the same phrase over and over again, we went on a tour of the campus. I liked that the campus was city style yet it was all together. I thought that was really nice. I think my favorite thing about the campus itself was the housing. There were dorms, that were as good as any dorm would be, and then for sophmore, junior and senior year, they had the choices of dorms, brownstone apartments, and high end loftish apartments. I thought that was really awesome. :)
              It was a great day and I had a ton of fun seeing the colleges. Well, I've got to go. Heading to Harvard tomorrow. :D

Hasta la vista, baby!

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