Monday, June 13, 2011


   So, I am going to dedicate this entry to my buddy Bad-Ass, (previously mentioned.) Bad-Ass is really wonderful and silly and great. Sadly, I won't be able to hang out with him for a while but he is pretty kick-ass. haha. He is the first person who I became great friends with right after fighting. I met him through my boyfriend, Gamer. We ended up getting into an argument. Who could win with the come-backs. haha. I won, by the way. But, when I first talked to him, it was because he was making fun of my bf  and I got a little protective. haha. The whole time I was arguing with him I kept thinking, "This guy is an asshole." But after a while I found myself laughing at some of his come-backs and I realized that he actually wasn't that bad. We started talking, a bit more friendly towards eachother, and I realized that I reallly liked him. He was funny, and sarcastic and I got along well with him. After a while, we got closer and he let me in, letting down his guard. He spoke and I listened, and I tried to help as much as I can. And I guess it worked, because he told me I saved his life. He and I are really close now, and I talk to him about pretty much everything. He's really great. And the cool thing, is he actually listens to me. He is one of those guys that actually listens to what I say. It's pretty awesome. :) I love him a lot.

Well, later!!!! I need to go find something to snack on.


  1. Yay! You blogged! lol Well, it sounds to me like you have a crush on BA. You gush about him more than you do about Gamer. Hmmmm...

    Congratulations on being a junior. In two short years, you will be having a blast in college. :-) I hope you are still writing stories!

  2. hahaha. i kind of do, but he's just my friend. I really care about gamer. and thankss. I can't wait for college. I am trying to write, but I need help. I don't know what to write about. I miss having assignments

  3. That's so funny. You are probably the only person who misses having assignments. I will post a link to a great web site. You can subscribe for free, and they will send you weekly poetry and writing assignments. Here it is:

    Subscribe to their free E-mail newsletter. It's cool.

  4. Thank you so much! I think the thing I'm most proud of that I have ever written, was the short story I wrote for the final assignment in your class. I re-read it all the time, and I don't see anything I would like to change with it. I love it. I'm really proud of it.

  5. Also, I don't think I mentioned, but I got BA to start a blog. :)

  6. That short story was FABULOUS! If you ever get the opportunity to sign up for Columbia University's creative writing summer program, definitely do it. You will absolutely love it. Glad you got BA to blog! lol
