Thursday, June 9, 2011

Schools Out For Summer!!!!

              Hey there! School is out! WOOOOO!!!!!! I am now officially a junior... wow.... haha. I am so excited. So tomorrow is my dad's birthday and then my little brother and I are going on vacation with my grandparents for a week. It will be interesting and fun, I hope. I hate long car rides though, since I tend to get very nauseaus. (spelling?)
             So, a little update. My Shining Knight is no longer mine. :( He moved on, and I'm not completely over it, but I'm as over it as I can be right now. However, Gamer and I are officially in a relationship. We have been together for 5 months now. He is great, a little immature sometimes, but I really care for him. He has been good to me which is important. He is silly and smart and awesome and has introduced me to someone who I am close to now, but more on that in a while. In my last blog I had said that I was getting to hang out with Gamer this summer, but Bestie's mother said I'm not allowed to see him. But after talking to my dad, I got permission to see Gamer whether Besties mom lets me or not. My dad is really awesome. haha.
           Time to introduce the new friend. I will call him Badass. haha. He is really amazing and lives up north like Gamer. He is really funny and sweet. He has a bit of bagage, but he is really sweet and wonderful and completely awesome. He makes me feel really great, and he is the BEST listener. He is funny and when he speaks to me, he literally makes me laugh out loud. He is wonderful. I am very thankful to have him as a friend. He is really wonderful. He is one of the coolest people I've ever met. He has great  taste in music and cars and almost everything else. There is so much more I could say about him, but I have to go get ready for my trip tomorrow.
BYEEEEE!!!!! If I don't write again, Have a great summer!!!

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