Thursday, January 17, 2013



You know, friendship is a funny thing in my life. First Bestie decides she doesn't want to be my friend anymore. For those of you who know, when Bad-Ass and I broke up, we became best friends and he has been my best friend for a while. Well, recently I got into a relationship and was honestly avoiding BA because I didn't want to upset him. Well, there was this girl at his school who he had wanted to talk to for a while, because he was lonely. So I convinced him to go give her his number. And he did. And he hasn't really talked to me. He did it yesterday, and she started texting him. He talked to her for 8 hours straight and not once did he answer any of my calls, texts, or IM's. He called me on skype for about 15 minutes and said he would come skype me again after dinner. Guess what? Didn't happen. I waited up for him until 1am, and then decided to call him again. "Oh sorry, I've been video chatting with this girl. I'm busy. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

WOW! THANKS BEST FRIEND!!!! Needless to say, we fought. I broke down into tears because I was so sickened that he had chosen this girl over me, someone who had kept his secrets, and helped him. Someone who had been through so much with him, and he just shoved me to the side for someone else. Last night he told me he would talk to me today, and said sorry so much he sounded like a broken record. Well, i said fine. This morning, "I can't talk to you right now, I"m sorry, but I'm meeting up with her before school starts and can't text you."

Thank you so much BA, for showing that our friendship really does matter to us. Love you too, Asshole.

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