Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rain, Rain, Stay All Day

Hello there. So, I came onto here today to look at my stats and everything, and realized that I haven't blogged since July, which was a while ago. So, things are still happening differently, of course. How could they not? Today has been a chilly rainy day, and considering where I live, I am extremely thankful for the lack of heat today. It has been raining on and off since there is a hurricane brewing, Hurricane Sandy. Everyone is enraged because most likely we will have school tomorrow, even though everyone else is closing. Being a senior, and being that all of my sick days for this semester have been used up, I cannot miss school tomorrow, which sucks, but oh well.

So, school is going well. I am extremely stressed out though,and I don't even have the stress of having to apply to college this fall. I am applying next fall, so I am taking my year off, to relax before I head off to college to get my Ph.D. 

I have been trying to write lately, but for some reason I am having trouble getting anything out. I am blocked, and I can't seem to break it, and I've been stuck with this writers block since my writing class at Brown ended. I need some inspiration.

In other news, Oct. 5th was my b-day, and I am now legally an adult. I get to vote this year, though I really don't want to all that much. Things aren't really different, though every time I think about my age, I do feel a little bit different.

Currently, I am freezing. My school always decides to turn on the AC on the days where it is raining outside, and on the days when it's hot out, they tend to shut off the AC, though why I have no idea. But it sucks. I am wishing they were, not even running the heat, but just would shut off the AC. By the way, I know that last sentence was gramatically incorrect, but I really don't feel like fixing it right now. As for the love life, it is pretty much the same. Not completely though. Things are a bit different. So as you all know, if I did actually blog about it before, Gamer is back in my life. He and I are talking a lot more than before. He's a bit different. He still gets mad, but not as often, and we stop ourselves before we argue a lot more. He's more understanding and even though he is still super busy, he tries to make time for me. It's really nice. He informed me, though the word informed sounds wrong, that he still has feelings for me, and would like to try again in the future. I do still have feelings for him, but right now any time the future comes up, we both decide to not talk about it, and take life one day at a time. I am enjoying this a lot more. It's nice, for once, to not think nonstop about the future. He and I are not dating, we are just friends for now. It may not always be like that, but for now it is. And like I mentioned, we do still argue, but we are working on controlling our instinctual reactions.

Well, I am going to go. I am freezing right now, and my battery is low. I will try to blog more though, as I really do miss it. Maybe writing about myself will help me break this writers block I am stuck in, and I can throw a story or two out there. *crosses my fingers* I hope so.

Bye for now!

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