Thursday, January 12, 2012

Do You Feel Like A Puzzle, You Can't Find Your Missing Piece?

Hello again. So, today is really just a normal day, however I do have some new news. For starters, you remember that short story I wrote about a while back, the one about a sociopathic doctor? (Blog was called Assuming The Mind Of A Slightly Disturbed Individual). Well, anyway, the point is that I have started to add more to it. I decided that the story isn't done. There needs to be more, so more I will create. It should be fun because once again I need to learn how to think like my character. I'm actually really excited about it. I was telling Bad-Ass about it last night, and reading to him what I've written so far and I honestly started to freak him out, which is a very good thing considering the story is supposed to be creepy. I'm very proud of that story. Now the only problem is that now that I am starting it again I need my SK (Shining Knight, remember him?) to come back and help me out with it. But he and I aren't talking right now for some reason. We got in a mini disagreement, and then he vanished again. Sucks a lot. But hopefully he will come back at some point and then he can help me out with the story.

So, I am going to speak about Bad-Ass for a bit. He's back in my life which I wrote about a couple days ago. Yay! I'm happy. Not that we ever really stopped talking, but now things are just like they always were, which is great. That awesome compatibility we've got. I'm happy. He's around, and things are good. He's been a bit sad lately, but I've been trying as hard as I can to help him with that. Besides the sadness, things are really good. We both want be be back together, but I need me time. If it weren't for that "me" time I would be with him again, but I seriously need time to think about things. I'm really happy though that's he's around and that things are working. Makes me feel so much better about things. He's thinking about the future, as he always is, and we are back on the track that we will date in college, since that's the best idea, due to our distance (location wise). He's going to start blogging again soon which makes me feel great. He and I are pretty much together but not. The way we talk to eachother is just as if we were together, but we aren't. Yeah, it seems kinda odd to treat eachother how we would together, but not actually be together. It's all my doing. Part of me is also scared of failure though. I have my super low self-esteem, and I'm terrified I will fuck things up with the one guy I've found who truly loves me and cares about me. So, my fears are kind of holding me back. I want things to work with him, and I have no faith in myself for that to happen. He thinks we will work, but I know how much I fuck things up. I will try to be better though. Psych says I need to stop being so self-critical, which is true. I tear myself apart. I am my worst critic. Everything I do or think, I criticize. I will try to work on that, but no promises... Anyway, the point is that I am happy and that is a good thing. Everything unhappy that is trying to weasle it's way into my life can fuck off. I am good. It's going to stay that way, I hope. I really don't need the depression kicking in. I would love to have it stay away for a while. I would say forever, but I know that is not realistic. Hopefully the writing will get me back on track. It is a great distraction. It takes up time, which is what I need. So wish me luck with the story.

Bad-Ass, I love you!!!!! Blog please. I need to read more of your blogs. Also, you think we should start working on our collaborative blog again? I lurv yew. <3

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