Tuesday, September 20, 2011

S.A.F.E.T.Y. Dance.

Alohaaaaa!!!! So, incase you didn't notice, it's an 80's day for me. Gotta love the classics. ^__^ So today has been a really really really really really (you get the point) Really good day. I got a wonderful surprise this morning on my bf's blog. Bad-Ass really is an awesome guy. So, I already blogged about his blog, so I figured I would be random. Not like that is new at all. So, I have been writing a little more, and SK (shining knight) and I are a bit closer. We had a mini spat yesterday, mainly over the past, but we are still close. Which is a very good thing, because yes he may not be the greatest guy ever, but he's a good friend. He's honest which I respect. He's a good guy, I think. So, I guess my life isn't really that different. I'm making Bad-Ass some presents for his birthday which is in 11 days, on October 1st. That's right, he's older than me by 4 days. ^__^ So we are both libra's which is cool. Okay, I lied... It's not completely an 80's day. I'm now listening to No Rain by Blind Melon. One hit wonder. Thank you VH1. I don't know why I am in such a good mood. I can't stop smiling, and all day I've just had this goofy smile on my face. Not that I'm complaining. It's a lot better than breaking down from the depression. A LOT better. I really can't wait until October. I can't wait to go back to MA, and be back in my proper place... Too bad it's only for 4 days. :( I am never going to want to come back home. But, hey  it's better than not going at all. Plus I get to see my awesome cousin get married, which is wonderful. And I get to see the rest of the family which is.... Well, we don't all see eye to eye, but it could be worst. I'm just the dorky weird bookworm of the family, so they don't really... Well, act like they like me? No. Well, I 'ave to go to la clase de espanol. Adios!

Btw... It's Loser by Beck now.

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