Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The End Is Just The Beginning

Well, Christmas just passed, and what a wonderful Christmas it was. Since I am wiccan, my family and I celebrated Yule, and then Christmas with the rest of our family. It was very lovely. I got everything I wanted, the best of all was a Maestro electric guitar by Gibson. Black and blue, gorgeous. My guitar is to the right. Isn't she lovely?
Well, Christmas has passed and coming up is New Year's Eve. I can't believe 2011 is coming to and end. It seems so soon. Life is moving on, and with it comes change. And change can be a good thing, so hopefully things change for the best. My life is constantly changing. My depression hasn't been acting up lately, so that is a good thing. It would suck to have a depressive break down at this lovely time of the year. I wish I was up north, for I miss the snow dreadfully. But I am eager for the new year's arrival. I am eager for a fresh start. I am eager for things to change. And I am eager to begin a new year with the people I love.
My mom and dad are throwing a party, and I invited someone, though I don't think he will be going. If not, then oh   well, and If he does show up, then I will be very happy. The person I invited was Screamo, my ex as of a few weeks ago. He broke up with me, but we still talk every now and then. He talks about winning me back but I'm not so sure if he really wants to be in a relationship with me. Come what may. What is meant to happen will happen. I am just along for the ride. This new year, I want things to be different. I want to become more focused on school, because even though I am extremely focused with school, you can never be too focused. Bad-Ass and I have plans to date in college, but honestly I still want a relationship right now. I want to start off the new year with people I love, and I'm hoping that the new year brings new love. I want a relationship right now, because what is better than loving someone who loves you back? I've been dreaming of falling in love my whole life, because i am a hopeless romantic. By the way, Bad-Ass, if you are reading this, which I'm sure you are because you read all my blogs, I want to tell you. Stop worrying. I am yours. I am still going to date you in college and I love you. Breathe. As for everyone else, I am eager for a fresh start. I hope the holidays have been wonderful for you and your families and all of those whom you hold dear. I can't wait to start a new year full of joy, success and love.

Until next time, I bid you adieu!