Friday, February 4, 2011

Love Comes in Colors I Can't Deny... All That Matters is Love, Love, Your Love

Life... ha, how life is so funny. For almost my whole life, all I have wanted, other than everything I already had, was to find a wonderful guy who makes me smile and feel great. And I didn't get one... Now, I have three! All at once, three wonderful guys show up. 
So, my Shining Knight sort of vanished. I have no idea where he went, but he hasn't been around as much. He kind of backed off when I told him about Gamer. I don't know why, but he is distancing himself from me, and I honestly don't like it. It upsets me and honestly hurts, and when I do talk to him, he is cold and distant, just like he was when we first met. He's not taking steps back, he's taking leaps back. It makes me feel like I've done something wrong, but Bestie, also friends with SK, told me not to worry, and that it isn't my fault he is getting distant. That he just needs some time to think, and I havn't done anything wrong... Yet, I still feel like it's something that I did wrong.
    Gamer, on the other hand, is still around, and wonderful. We are sort of dating, sort of because he lives about ten states away, and it is kind of hard to date someone who is so far away. But this summer I am going up to Rhode Island, and Mass. to spend a week with my wonderful grandfather, and a week with Bestie. First time I will have seen her since 6th grade. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! Also, I get to spend some time with Gamer, which makes me happy, because since he left in Jan, I have missed his company a lot. He is very sweet, and romantic, and adorable, and talented. Haha. He is great, and I am really thankful to have him in my life. I feel comfortable with him. In Disney, I felt so natural around him. Like, we didn't clash at all. It was cool. I felt calm and at ease with him, and I felt like myself for the first time in a long time.
     Now, for the third... Thanks to the musical, I have a new friend. haha. I will call him Aero, since he loves planes. He is pretty cool. Plays the Bass, and likes planes, and he's smart, and has a fabulous taste in music, the same as me. haha. He is really nice. I took a chance after seeing him at rehearsals, no he was not in the musical, he was in the orchestra =), but I took a chance and added him on FB and then talked to him. And we got along really well. It's cool, having someone at the school that I can talk to, since I don't really have anyone at this school to talk to . I really enjoy it. We don't see much of eachother during school, due to our schedules, but when I do see him, it's nice, knowing that I have someone HERE in this state that I get along with.

Besides that, life has been good I spose. We have people coming to look at the apartment this weekend, because we have a new house that we want to move to. The gypsy in me is happy to be packing all my stuff up again, even if the next destination is only a few towns away, but I have gotten so used to moving in my life, that when I don't, I get this feeling like something is wrong. School is good, as good as it can be. I am trying to come out of my shell a little. I speak up in class a little bit.

The other day was signing day at our school, a day when all the sports kids who got accepted to colleges  go up infront of the school and sign their accepence. Well, B-Ball was there, and as embarrassing as it sounds, when he went up and signed his paper it made me tear up. I was really proud of him. hahaha. Okay, well, next time. Bye!!!