Thursday, January 20, 2011

Life Goes On...

        Hey there. I know it's been a while since my last blog. But I am writting now. Since this is no longer required, since the class is over, I havn't written a blog in a while. When it comes to writting I enjoy having assignments and deadlines, because I am lazy. I would like to write a little every day, but without assignments, I have no idea what to write.

      So, lately life has gotten better. My Shining Knight went to Italy for ten days, so I wan't able to talk to him, which was sad. I missed him a ton, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, because I knew he was having a good time. And it is exciting because I have gone to Italy, so now we can discuss some of the places that we have both been. I love having discussions with him. I can really talk to him. He makes me think, and I like that very much. So, while he was gone, I too had fun. My really good friend, whom I havn't seen in 5 years came down to be a part of a tattoo convention in Orlando. I will call her Tat. Goddess, because her tattoos are really and truly art. She is amazing with that tattoo gun in her hand. You can find some of her work online if you look up Good Mojo Tattoos, Mayhem. Her tats should come up. Anyway, the last time she saw me was when I lived in Salem and I was 11 years old. Lately, I have been talking to her son, I'll call him Gamer. He's a few years younger than me, but we get along well. He's really sweet. So Tat. Goddess came down and my mom and I went up to see her. I was so excited, but I got really nervous that she wouldn't like me anymore. She is a really awesome person, and just being with her makes everyone feel insanely badass and cool. haha. So she came down on Thursday and mom and I got there Saturday, and spent the day with her. The next day Gamer and Tat. Goddess's husband, Tech came down and I got to meet Gamer for the first time ever. It was really awkward at first, but eventually we warmed up and after that neither one of us could shut up. We ended up staying with them Monday, and they took us to Magic Kingdom. It was rainy and the park was dead, for Disney, so no lines for rides. It was Gamer and Tech's first time to Disney and they both liked it, minus Space Mountain. That night after dinner at the Liberty Tree Tavern, amazing restaurant in Magic Kingdom, we were walking around, heading back to the monorail, and Gamer put his arm around me. It was nice. =)  

               We ate breakfast with them the next morning and then they went to Epcot and mom and I headed home. My little brother, Cherub, and my dad were happy to see us. It was a wonderful break for me, and after seeing them I felt... refreshed. Happy. Not so alone. ANd more hopeful about moving back to New England in two years. I am still happy. It really was a refresh button, and my mom felt the same way.

       I am starting to think about studing for the SAT and ACT even though those are next year. But it's really not that far away.

        Well, that's all for now folks. See ya next time